Texas Department of State Health Services
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
These videos were created in a collaboration with the Texas Department of State Health Services Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (DSHS), UT Dell Medical School and the UT Center for Health Communication. Child blood lead poisoning remains a problem in the US. DSHS is tasked with reducing incidences of lead poisoning in Texas children. Our preliminary research indicated that healthcare providers were surprisingly unaware of the low testing and reporting levels across the state. We also found that they were missing opportunities to follow-up with families when high lead levels were detected.
To address these issues, we created a series of videos to educate care providers on childhood blood lead testing compliance, reporting, and follow-up. Keeping in mind that healthcare providers are extremely busy, we intentionally kept the videos short and engaging while following DSHS strict brand guidelines. We specifically selected an actress with a degree in nursing to add authenticity and garner trust from our target audience of healthcare professionals.