Christian Bazan Christian Bazan

The 12 Fundamentals of Highly Effective Communicators

Pharmacists are increasingly expected to communicate skillfully, yet few Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curricula include theoretically-derived or evidence-based communication training. The 12 Fundamentals of Highly Effective Communicators is a pedagogical tool that we developed to teach principles of communication to two consecutive cohorts of PharmD students in their second year (P2).

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Christian Bazan Christian Bazan

“Drunk girl”: A text mining analysis of #MeToo on Twitter

To understand how alcohol use is characterized by the #MeToo movement on Twitter, this study collected and analyzed 25,014 total tweets and retweets, including 5,566 original mentions, containing the #MeToo hashtag and the keyword “drunk”.

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Christian Bazan Christian Bazan

Applied communication skills training for pharmacy students: Practicing an interprofessional voicemail

Interprofessional communications can be a source of communication apprehension for pharmacists, likely due to a lack of training on how to effectively convey their message and achieve their goals for the interaction. This study describes an applied learning module to coach pharmacy students through recording a voicemail for a physician.

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Christian Bazan Christian Bazan

Implantable medical device website efficacy in informing consumers' weighing benefits/risks of healthcare options

This project used social cognitive theory (SCT) and health literacy constructs from the Institute of Medicine and National Institutes of Health to analyze eight IMD websites. Despite current recommendations, none of the websites considered for this study offered content of an appropriate reading level in conjunction with the United States average of eighth grade, and 75% of the sites failed to satisfy more than one health literacy construct.

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